"Winter" is a collaborative film by Krawall & Stille (Photography) and Plastic Papertiger (Music):
Feature: Le Freak Media - Blog
Mercury Circle - The Gates Wide Open (Music Video):
Video by Rahel Gölzner, Gerald Gölzner, Toni Hatakka, Jussi Hämäläinen and Ykä Järvinen.
Concept by Jaani Peuhu, Rahel Gölzner and Jussi Hämäläinen
Sinuswelle und Krawall & Stille - Stigma (Music Video):
Mercury Circle - The Gates Wide Open (Single Cover):
Foto: Krawall & Stille, Artwork: Teemu Hartikainen
Freischwimma - Brofezzeiung (Album Cover):
Foto: Krawall & Stille, Artwork: Matthias Ledwinka
Plastic Papertiger - Odin's Curtains (Single Cover):
Foto: Krawall & Stille, Artwork: Chris Campregher
Sinuswelle - Erstkontakt (EP Cover):
Foto: Krawall & Stille, Artwork: Christoph Stiller
Sinuswelle - Ich mache mir die Welt (Single Cover):
Foto: Krawall & Stille, Artwork: Christoph Stiller
Sinuswelle - Das Virus (Single Cover):
Foto: Krawall & Stille, Artwork: Christoph Stiller
Sinuswelle - Aluhut (Single Cover):
Foto: Krawall & Stille, Artwork: Christoph Stiller
Sinuswelle - Wien is ur oasch (Single Cover):
Foto: Krawall & Stille, Artwork: Christoph Stiller